Monday, March 2, 2009

What to Expect: Early Labor

After hours or even weeks of non-productive pre-labor contractions, your body may begin to have rhythmic contractions that seem "different" to you. These contractions may be longer and stronger, and they are probably closer together. These are all signs that you may have begun early labor.

In early labor, you may feel excited. You may be wondering if "this" is really it! You also may feel a little restless, hungry and chatty. You may be tempted to elbow your partner to wakefulness just because you aren't ready to go back to sleep!

At this point contractions are generally less than 10 minutes apart and may last 45-60 seconds. Contractions will get stronger, closer together and longer with time. These contractions might feel like pressure in the pelvis, menstrual cramping or a dull backache. At this point, most women are comfortable moving through their contractions.

Once I had stopped mentally bouncing and mentally shouting, "I bet this is it!," I became aware of a few confirming symptoms. I noticed an increase in bloody show and mucous during early labor. I'd have several bowel movements that seem like a mild diarrhea. Some women also also experience a runny nose and an increased need to run to the bathroom (even more often).

What are the danger signs?

-Red, dripping blood: Some bleeding is normal, but if it runs down your leg you will want to go in and be checked.

-Meconium stained amniotic fluid: if membranes have released. (This can be normal, but needs to be checked.)

-Temperature over 100

-Any sharp, stabbing pain in the abdomen.

-Signs of high blood pressure or toxemia such as: sudden or severe swelling of your face, hands and feet, dizziness, headaches, changes in your vision (such as blurring or seeing spots)

-Sudden and severe vomiting

-Any change in fetal movements

-Foul-smelling vaginal discharge

So what should you do once you think you're really in labor? Tempting as it is to rush off to the hospital to have your guess confirmed you may want to consider staying home for most of your labor.

Most women are more comfortable in familiar surroundings and more able to employ birthing techniques in quiet surroundings. As long as there are no danger signs (see sidebar) or prior high risk factors, laboring at home is most conducive to a natural birth, as fewer unnecessary interventions will take place.

So drag out the scrabble game, finish knitting that bootie, wash a few dishes, write in your pregnancy journal, have a snack, keep hydrated. And if you are a real procrastinator, this is your last chance to pack your birth bag.

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