Monday, March 2, 2009

Impacts on Society

Women who experience abuse are 3 times more likely to take time off from their everyday activites. The estimates of the costs of healthcare range from $ 4-6 billion. Beyond the monetary costs, their is a psycological and social dis-ease when violence prevails in women and children's lives to the extent that it does. The silence and violence not only harms the victims and survivors, but also the perpetrators as they are unable to experience healthy and meaningful relationships with the women and children in their lives. By every segment of society acknowledging that they are perpetrators, victims, survivors and witnesses of violence in some form, the cycle can begin to be dismantled. We can ask the question of ourselves, "What is community? What do we want in our communities? What changes do we need to implement in order to make this a reality?"
The Facts on Health Care and Domestic Violence

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