Monday, March 2, 2009


  • Woman Abuse: any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm, or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life. Woman abuse can be physical: punching, kicking, choking, stabbing, mutilation, disabling, murder; sexual: rape, any unwanted touching or act of a sexual nature, forced prostitution; verbal/psychological: threats to harm the children, destruction of favourite clothes or photographs, repeated insults meant to demean and erode self-esteem, forced isolation from friends and relatives, threats of further violence or deportation if the woman attemts to leave; stalking: persistent and unwanted attention, following and spying, monitoring of mail or conversations; financial: taking away a womans wages or other income, limiting or forbidding access tot he family income, and other forms of control and abuse of power.
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse: "A child (anyone under 16 years) is sexually abused when another person, hwo is sexually more mature, involves the child in any activity which the other person expects to lead to their sexual arousal. This might involve intercourse, touching, exposure of the genital organs, showing pornographic material, or talking about sexual things in an erotic way." Child sexual abuse is the sexual use of a child by someone with more power. The vast majority of child sexual abuse happens in situations where the child trusts or is dependent upon the offender.
  • Rape: Forced or coerced penetration or contact between the mouth, genitals or anus with any object, no matter how slight
  • Consent: Someone who is drunk, drugged, incapacitated or under the age of consent cannot legally give consent

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