Thursday, April 2, 2009

Coping with Chronic Pain

Coping with severe chronic pain from conditions such as arthritis and injuries from sprains and strains affect so many of us. One day you are active and feel great and then the next day you are stiff as a two-by-four. A sprain or strain can occur very easily and it can be simply rectified by stretching more frequently. While a chronic condition like one of the several forms of arthritis, bursistis, and tendinitis affect 70% of the population in North America and will require some sort of treatment or remedy.

Joints are the areas where two bones meet in our body, like a knee,shoulder,hip, or other vertabrea. They make the skeleton flexible ” without them, movement would be impossible. Our joints are so often not thought about until they become painful and cause discomfort; unfortunately then the individual is left coping with severe chronic pain. All joints are cushioned by a substance called cartilage. Cartilage acts as a shock absorber to prevent the bones in our joints from grinding together and wearing down. There is also a certain amount of fluid present in joints to keep them well-oiled and free moving. The bursae are fluid-filled sacs that cushion and pad bony prominences, allowing muscles and tendons to move freely over the bone.

Because of the joints makeup, the joints have limited blood flow and as a result can heal very slowly. Inflammation and waste matter around the joint from injury or chronic condition like that of arthritis can take some time to decrease and it’s that inflammation and waste matter causing the discomfort and reducing your ability to move. Coping with severe chronic pain during this prolonged period or healing can be very difficult and this is why some many individuals seek some type of natural remedy for relief.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

These supplements can be found together in many popular brands such as JointAdvance, JointEast, Eazol and Osteo Bi-flex. Both glucosamine and chondroiton are a nutritional approach to maintaining the fluids needed to lubricate joints and cartilage. These two supplements, taken regularly, can inhibit this type of activity in our bodies, enabling our system to maintain and promote new cartilage and connective tissue.

Glucosamine is an amino-sugar found in the body that stimulates growth of new cartilage. Consequently, it can also help to reduce joint pain. In studies, patients using glucosamine experienced as much pain relief as those taking over-the-counter medications. Due to possible blood sugar irregularities and an increase in insulin resistance, diabetics should consult a physician prior to starting a glucosamine regimen.

Chondroitin has been shown to improve joint mobility by maintaining the fluid needed in the core structure of cartilage. This protects cartilage and promotes healing. There are no known side effects, although there is an ongoing debate on how well the body can absorb this supplement.

Healing When the discomfort in your body goes away and you begin to feel normal again you still are not fully healed. However, this is usually when we start acting like everything is fine and continue carrying on with our daily activities. We dont realize we are just going to reinjure the area and the discomfort will come back. It’s not your fault though. It’s just not possible to stop everything and rest your body properly. What ends up happening is we continually reinjure the area through our daily activities and this can ultimately lead to osteoarthritis. HAJoint Formula Free Bottle Offer. Supports joint pain relief thru healthy flexibility, mobility, and lubrication.

Every time you move your body, the tendons and surrounding tissue around your bones move and when they are inflamed from an injury or chronic condition, every movement hurts and impacts simple every day activities. Without some type of joint pain relief remedy our daily activities become extremely painful and completing simple tasks is difficult. Did you know that once your joints are injured they become very difficult to recover 100%.

Eazol is an effective, natural solution for everyday aches and pains. Eazol contains White Willow Bark, Lobelia, and Boswellia. These herbs have been used by ancient healers for centuries to ease everyday aches and pains.

Omega Daily is the miracle from the sea, a superior source of Omega-3. It’s made from extracts of the green-lipped mussel, a natural, pure New Zealand source of the highest quality and most effective Omega-3 oil you can buy. Omega daily is good for your heart- cardiovascular heatlh improves, mind - mood and memory are elevated, and body; to keep you young, active and healthy. OmegaDaily has no side effects, and best of all, you don’t need a prescription to get it.

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Is Breast Pumping Right For You

A breast pump is an automatic device that can be used to bring out milk for later use from a breast feeding woman. The way a breast pump works is a lot like to milking instruments used in commercial dairy companies.

The mile that has been extracted can be stored so that if needed anyone can feed the baby by a bottle. In come cases the mother can produce more milk than the baby can hold. In this situation a breast pump can be helpful when the breasts become engorged which can prevent proper latching by the infant. When a woman uses a breast pump it relieves pressure. A breast pump can come into play when you have a child that cannot properly latch onto the breast. Since breastfeeding helps to speed up the recovery process in a pregnancy, many times woman will continue breast pumping even when they no longer need to breast feed.

There are many types of breast pumps to choose from. The main differences you have are automatic or manual. Which most women prefer the automatic, and that they can just lay back and let the machine do all the work. You also have double and single breast pumps, and if you are all about saving time then you will want to invest in a double breast pump.

You should started breast pumping as soon as the baby is born. A high grade double electric pump can be used to help build up your supply of breast milk.. Many hospitials can supply a breast pump for you while you are still in their care. For the first couple of weeks you will need to use a breast pump 8-10 times in a 24 hrs time frame. The more you pump the better stimulation which establishes a good supply of breast mile. The hospital can provide the instructions on how to store and transport the milk to the bottles. You should follow the guidelines to avoid passing harmful stuff to the baby. Knowing how to sterile bottles and sterilize pump is very important as well

You need to use pump the breast at least 6 to 8 times in a day that the mother is able to start direct breastfeeding. Then, lower the length of pumping by a couple of minutes if the supply becomes very large. Even if the babys intake is down, as in the cases of premie babies, breast pumping needs to continue on as though the baby was born at fullterm.

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Ensure the Wellness of Your New Baby

A new baby is a beautiful and indescribable blessing to any family. Months of preparation and anticipation lead up to a very climactic birth day. All is well it seems, mother and baby are doing wonderfully and in a day or two will head home. From the warm, safe and very recognizable, to the baby, environment of moms womb, what environment, what cocoon will provide your baby safety from here on out?

Unless you specify during pregnancy that your baby will be wrapped in only the safest and best 100% cotton organic materials possible you will receive lots of gifts in blankets and crib materials that will not be so supportive for a newborn. Let people know early on your preferences for organic and green. This will ensure safe and cozy crib bedding for your sweet baby. Why cotton and why organic?

Certain clothes, especially permanent press, wrinkle free and water resilient fabrics are dipped or sprayed in formaldehyde, which is also used as embalming fluid. Many fabrics on sofas, chairs and carpets are preserved with harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde. Formaldehyde has some alias names to look for: Formalin, Methanal, Methyl aldehyde, Methylene oxide, Morbicid acid and Oxymethylene.

Long term benefits will result from taking a stand for organic, especially next to your new precious baby. Remember that organic is different than merely meeting safety standards.

With constant contact, any person, and especially a small person will acquire sensitivities. These are simply put, allergies. Without constant mineralization and good enzymes, they will get progressively worse throughout life.

Sensitivities are what many call allergies. An allergic reaction can appear as benign as a slight skin rash, or unbearable dermatitis. Allergies can also come on unexpectedly as a life threatening asthma attack or anaphylactic shock. No need for scare tactics though; it is enough said that any of those aforementioned reactions are not what you want for a newborn infant or any person.

The best way to insure a healthy environment for the entire home, starting with baby is fine though, is to buy 100% cotton, organic and from a reputable company. There are many listed in the green directories, online and most search engines.

No parent knowingly wants to harm their child; and even with the best intentioned lifestyles there are always possibilities that as a child grows that he or she will be introduced to toxic materials. Good natural health and a healthy green environment is about creating strength, not a lifetime of protection. The best defense is a mineral-rich and enzyme-full diet, healthy support and respect for the environment.

Those babies and children who have a poor diet, rich in fast foods, sugars, hydrogenated fats and sodas will always be those that go to the doctor more, are diagnosed with strange diseases, labeled ADHD, etc. Not meant simply as a general statement, it is meant to emphasize what makes all the difference between a child that survives to adulthood and one that thrives to be a productive and vibrant part of society

Breast fed babies have a great lead into life when mom is a healthy eater. Whether prenatal or during breast feeding a woman should eat well so that her health can recoup post natal.

What to Do If You Suspect Allergies?

First of all you must stop all contact with the irritant whether it is a food, a fabric, an environmental contaminant such as air, water, etc. This is most crucial when dealing with allergic reactions suffered by the very young or the very old.

The body is equipped with digestive juice factories. Some are located in the mouth, some in the stomach, some juices that digest travel from the liver and pancreas through the hepatopancreatic duct to supply digestive help in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.

When the body is depleted of the juices it needs to digest, even proteins which could be building blocks, become instead boulders the body simply carries along until it has the capacity to rid itself of what has become a liability. At this crucial point 75% - 80% of all foods ingested should be raw or lightly cooked.

During times of allergy outbreak, and I would add always, dairy should be avoided completely, along with any food that looks white or colorless, processed meats, canned or pre-packaged foods and sugars. In addition, having a good naturopath or nutritional counselor will create the support the parent needs to do the right thing for children who struggle with health.

Precautions and Solutions

Creating Green Environments is going to be our best ally for the future. Begin small and add on something new each month.

Eating whole and natural creates whole Human Beings. If you are pregnant or newly into parenthood ” begin now. Begin throwing out dead foods and replace them one by one with live food. Make it a family quest and project. What fun!

Create an organic nursery for your organic and healthy baby. This is a new beginning for your entire family, no matter whether you are expecting child #1 or #5.

Look for whole and green everywhere. Expect the best and insist upon it. To Your Best Health, Ellen Valentine, CNC

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Diabetes Remedies That Work

How come Diabetes can be equalled to a dreadful ” Silent Killer “,a tacit cause of death? What Explanation can we attribute to this terrible attribute of Diabetes? The primary cause of its occurence is the lofty levels of blood sugar on account of lowly levels of Insulin in the body.

Regular Physical Activity and following a healthy pattern of eating habits can be assumed as the basic treatment for Diabetes. In addition insulin taken either by,injection,pen or pump assists . Blood sugar levels throughout the day should be monitored. Diabetes of the grade of Type 2 may need oral mediacation and insulin to keep a check on the Blood sugar levels.

Natural cures for Diabetes are for those who don’t want to subject themselves to the needle often in a day and thus avoiding insulin. Here are some treatments for diabetes which can be graded as natural cures and you would be interested to have a look a them.

In such scenarios, massage can help. In that respect a number of varieties of massaging methods are there which can be used on diabetics to make massaging as extraordinary natural way to cure diabetes. With the innovative and efficient massaging techniques that are applied today, it ameliorates the diabetic’s conditions by doing away with undesirable toxins from the body and improving the circulation of blood.

Another widely used technique in discourse for Diabetes is Mud Pack. Linkage of Diabetes to excessive increase in the levels of toxins in one particular organ ,generally belonging to the digestive or endocrine system of the Human Body. The mud packs are capable of cooling down the nervous system and thus helping in eliminating these toxins.

Detoxification is another natural way to treat diabetes. Your Doctor or Health agency could give you a controlled diet plan. In addition to diet plan consuming supplements may also be necessary to remove the toxins present in your body. Quite a number of detoxification diet plans are available. These diet plans should be followed in letter by you to get rid of diabetes.

These are unconventional healing programs to treat diabetes but before undertaking them you should consult your Doctor. One thing to keep in mind is that you are in charge of your own wellness and whether these treatments could help , your Doctor’s advice could be of great help.

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Shopping Tips For Plus Sizes

During the past couple of years, there is a steady rise in the amount of plus sized womens plus size clothes online and those that are made available to the public. And while the world continues to be mesmerized and enthralled with being slim, plus sized fashion is steadily creeping into the main stream.

Because of this, there are plenty of options for plus sized women to strut their stuff and be as fashionable as they want to be. So speaking of plus sized womens clothing, here are some tips that will help you choose the right plus sized clothing for your figure:

Being fashionable plus size tip number one: Think of your curves Show of your curves and stray away from clothes that do not fit. Most plus sized women think of hiding their curves and are content in hiding their figures. However, if you want to be fashionable, you need to love your figure and learn to show of how voluptuous you are.

Plus sized fashion tip number two: Keep it simple Simplicity is the best way that you should go when you have a plus sized figure. You should carefully choose the prints that you wear and try to stay away from anything floral or those that have geometrical shapes. These types of prints will only make you appear wider than what you really are. Also, you should try and lessen the amount of embellishments that you have on your clothes. Chiffons, sequins and glitter fabric will only bring more attention to the fabric ” which is not what you want. You want for people to notice your figure looking good in what ever piece of clothing you are wearing and not the other way around.

Plus sized fashion tip number three: Darker tones are always the best choice. Common knowledge dictates that black and similar darker colors have a slimming effect on people. This well known belief is actually true that is why many women in general always have the classic black dress at their disposal. However, if you want to kick it up a notch, plus size women can base an entire ward robe off of a dark color of their choice. You can create a wardrobe that will compliment your figure as well as creating a sexy yet classy look.

Cant get wrong tips for plus sized fashion tip number four: Love dark colors. Dark colors like black and navy are sleek, clean, classy and most of all slimming. And while you love you figure as it is, you do not want to look bigger and wider than what you are. Always remember that you can never go wrong with the color black. So with the onset of womens plus sized clothes online, a new era in fashion is slowly beginning. Fashion is for everybody no matter what body type they may have.

Being fashionable plus size tip number five: Say no to flowers and geometric shapes And while black is the color that makes you slimmer, flowered prints and geometric figures will only give you the illusion of being bigger and wider that you really are.

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Is Coffee Good Or Bad For You?

If you ever conduct a survey on the topic: “What wakes you up in the morning? What boosts your energy level and makes you feel fresh and activated?” …You will no doubt get this answer: Coffee or tea, both of which have a high level of caffeine, the coffee having a larger amount.

Caffeine is basically a drug which is gathered from tea leaves, kola nuts and coffee beans. It is widely used in medicines, chocolates, and even flavorings. Caffeine is highly addictive which enslaves its addict and increases his reliance on caffeine.

Caffeine addiction is one of the biggest problems in the world today, but people will never admit that they are facing this problem. Caffeine is widely popular because it helps to keep the body more alert, it increases the heart rate of the body, and it also increases the sugar level in the blood.

But caffeine’s negative symptoms are manifold. Regular use of caffeine causes the water level of the body to drop as caffeine is a diuretic causing frequent urination. It also reduces the span of deep sleep and the person becomes so addicted to caffeine that if its level per day is reduced the person will show negative behavior. Frustration, nausea, migraines, fatigue, lack of concentration and muscle pain are some of the symptoms of withdrawing from caffeine.

Caffeine should be avoided by pregnant women as it is known to have negative effects on the unborn child. Caffeine can enter the placenta and the fetus can be negatively affected by its strong effect and it can increase the risk of miscarriage. Caffeine is associated with lower birth weight of the infant and increased pain during labor. Pregnant women should cut out caffeine in their diet totally or confer with their doctor for more consultation.

A person will become more prone to panic attacks and nervousness if his intake of caffeine is three to four cups a day. Adrenaline level also shoots up due to caffeine which causes insomnia. This wakefulness is especially experienced by night shift workers as they cannot catch shut-eye even in the day. Dark circles under the eyes, edginess and jumpy nerves are a few more disadvantages of a high dosage of daily caffeine.

People also acquire cardiac problems and diabetes because of the rise in the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar level. Moreover those suffering from gastric problems and stomach acidity should guard themselves and take caution with caffeine as it also causes stomach aches and increases the bowel movements. Bowel disorders are a very common side effect of caffeine.

Caffeine can trigger yearnings for food and thus result in obesity and weight gain. The disadvantages of caffeine seem limitless standing opposite to its advantages. Though coffee can revitalize the body, its effect remains only for four to six hours. Later the body hungers for the instantaneous power. This can induce dependence of caffeine. A healthy life can only be achieved if a person discontinues relying on caffeine for instant vivacity. Reducing caffeine from the daily diet should be accepted as a challenge.

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